Frequently Asked Questions

Is Peak Ken University licensed university?

Yes, Peak ken University is an American university that is officially registered in the United States- Delaware State- with the number: 4014766.

What are the programs that Peak Ken University offers?

The University offers the following programs: Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Higher Diploma Degree, Master’s Degree, PHD Degree.

It also offers a professional program package: Professional Diploma, Certified Diploma, Professional Master, Professional Doctorate.

What are the documents that a student gets when he graduates? And who accredits these documents?

When a student graduates, he gets a transcript, a graduation document, and a certificate with the accreditation of the United States Department of State and also with the possibility of getting an Apostille attachment.

How do I apply for the Associate program, Bachelor’s program, and Higher Diploma program?

It is done by the following sequence:

  1. Apply a request for the university and send the required documents.
  2. The documents will be certified by the Archive Office of the university.
  3. The University will send the letter of acceptance to the student for the department that he chose.
  4. The student will send fees of studying to the university.
  5. The Scientific Committee of the university will send the required subjects to the student in form of pdf.
  6. The student will do exams in the exact scheduled time.
  7. The student will do exams of all subjects
  8. Student’s name and data will be archived to confirm his graduation.
  9. All the required documents for graduation will be issued.
  10. All of the documents will be sent to the concerned authorities for authentication.
  11. All of the certified documents will be sent to the student.
  12. A congratulatory letter is issued to the student by the university.

How do I continue my studying procedure to the Master’s Degree and later on PHD Degree?

It is done in the following sequence:

  1. The student will submit a request and send the required documents.
  2. The documents will be certified by the Archive Office of the university.
  3. The University will send the letter of acceptance to the student for the department that he chose.
  4. The student will send fees of studying to the university.
  5. The student will send his thesis proposal with the work plan.
  6. The university will assign a scientific supervisor for the researcher.
  7. The student will continue his research work under the supervision of the scientific supervisor.